First Birthday

First Birthday
Mommy + "The Girls"

Monday, June 11, 2007


Yippee!! My first Friday Foto challenge on Double Happiness on my blog roll for more info. if you wanna join the "messy" fun this week. Girls are roughly 16 months in the first 2 pictures taken before we moved. Daddy was doing the feeding ....I was out shopping of course. Do ya want some?

Recent pictures below of evidence of the girls fascination with toilet paper. Alyssa is a budding origamist and makes, kites, necklaces, ice cream cones, and of course stuffs it ALL down the dumper.

Milk, eat your heart out....Alyssa sports a yogurt moustache.

How can that NOT bother you?????????


insanemommy said...

That is the dang cutest milk mustache I have ever seen. And your girls are quite the "clean" messy..... ha ha... So sweet.


Steffie B. said...

I think you are so blessed to have those twins. I'm slightly jealous.... ;)

Nikki said...

Love the messy pictures! But, yeah, the actual messy part drives me bonkers!

crazylady said...

I skipped this challenge, because my kids don't make mess.


Elizabeth said...

Mess and kids = synonymous.
I was jsut saying to my friend yesterday I don't get the concept of having toddlers and no dog. Dogs clean faces, clean high chairs and floors. They are a mommas' best friend.

insanemommy said...

I don't have any pics of girls messy. THEY can't stand to be duuuuuurty. Funny, huh?


Pug Mama said...

so sweet!!
What beautiful girls - even when messy!!!

RamblingMother said...

Lovin' the pic. So how many plungers do you have for all the paper in the dumper?


Calico Sky said...

that is such a cute mustache...but honestly how can it not be irritating?!

they are sooooooo cute!!!

"M2" said...

ok.... kids cute

but what I really want to know is:
Le Salle de bain???
I have never seen a black commode!!!

you my dear have the worlds coolest toilet!!!!

kids aren't bad either wink