First Birthday

First Birthday
Mommy + "The Girls"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Genius, I tell ya, pure genius. I've seen signs of it, (geniusness) but this, this is indisputable proof! I can't even get my grade 8's to crack open a dictionary. I think I hear the Mensa club calling.......Check out Angel Mama for more Wordless entries.


Monkey Giggles said...

wonderful picture....maybe she could come over and teach a thing or my kids.

MorningSong said...

What a sweetie!! How fun, she is definitely on her way to greatness.

Happy WW

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Too cute! Thanks for sharing and Happy WW. I tried to leave a comment earlier but I guess the comment monster ate it. Love the blog as usual ..Lol it is so sweet.

Smiles and Blessings,

Angel Mama ():)

Pearls of Wisdom said...

I just noticed Diana thanks for the sweet links .You should go to Wordless Wednesday headquarters ( sign up there to. You can also go to Mr Linky and set up your own account ( free to get the linky widget) I know I was one of the first to visit you before and am so honored and love your blog . I will go and link now so I can come more often.

Thanks my blogging friend.

Angel ( D.)

Elizabeth said...

You know you have to start them early.
How sweet is she?
I need my little one to look up words for me too, my spelling is gastly.

redmaryjanes said...

Priceless...she's on her way to Harvard!

Steffie B. said...

beautiful picture!

crazylady said...

what happened to the wordless part?

insanemommy said...

I too *snort* often am seen carrying around an Oxford dictionary. hee-hee.

Diana said...

Hi All,
Thanks for the positive comments.
Sen: No such thing as wordless, where I come.

crazylady said...

Rony is clever tonight.

Diana said...

Yeah, she must've been drinking....

Diana said...

Typo correction......I mean't to say "when" not "where"...hehehe

Diana said...

Oh, and I think I spelled "come" wrong.
I know, I know...time to log off getting a little loopy....